Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Essay

Britney, age 17, has been referred because of problems at school and a shoplifting charge. She admits to â€Å"smoking some dope† every now and then and having a drink or two with her friends. She is dressed in black with pierced ears, nose, and lip. Her appearance is disheveled and her hygiene poor. She appears to be overly thin. Britney’s parents were divorced when she was 5 years old. She has a brother who is 5 years older. They used to live with their mother in the same town as their father. Britney saw him frequently, although she says he was â€Å"always busy with work† and she could never talk to him about much of anything. Britney states that her mother was also busy but would â€Å"usually† stop and listen. She reports that her mother has a temper and is stressed all the time about money and work. She also reports that her mom and dad still fight about money and â€Å"us kids. † She feels like she is in the middle and is always being asked to choose. Britney feels caught in the middle of conflict between her parents. She interprets their being too busy for her as not being wanted by them. Britney’s rebellion serves to distract her mother and father from their fighting and to unite them as they attempt to control her behavior. It also serves to help solve the dilemma of whether she should leave home, leaving her mother alone. She distances herself by using drugs and alcohol but cannot really leave home and her mother because of her irresponsible behavior. Her brother has the role of doing well in the family, being responsible while the parents are in conflict. Through the use of their roles, the estranged family continues to function, albeit less than satisfactorily. Britney and her mother and brother recently moved to a new area, and Britney is at a new school this year. She is currently in 10th grade and has average grades. Her new friends are â€Å"different† from her old friends, but they â€Å"accept her for what she is. † Britney found acceptance in a counterculture when she felt rejection at home. With divorced parents, a distant father, overly stressed mother, and parents arguing over the kids, Britney has poor self-esteem and feels that she is the cause of some of the problems. She finds that using drugs with other kids relieves boredom, fear, and loneliness. She feels accepted and acceptable when she is using with them. The main ethical concerns presented in the dilemma with references to the ethics Britney uses cocaine when with friends. She learned that using helps her fit in—be â€Å"one of the gang. † She described a new, well-defined group of peers who â€Å"I like to hang out with and party with. † She is even supplied by a male classmate at school who impregnated her while they are high on drugs and sex. In addition, she has had some moderate school-related problems (e. g. , lateness) and a shoplifting charge. She entered a guilty plea for shoplifting. But approximately two weeks before her sentencing hearing, Britney inform the judge and her substance abuse counselor that she was pregnant and is still on drugs. Hence, the complexity of this ethical dilemma arises. This case taps into the substance abuse counselor many layers of personal and professional beliefs. However, careful reading of the case reveals a firm commitment to consider – not ignore – fetal interests within the framework of respect for the autonomy of the competent pregnant teenager. The case presented clearly relate to situations in which the pregnant teenager is deemed incompetent. Hence, the counselor needs a clear insight into the right approach to take when a medical intervention can benefit both fetus and mother, as in the case of Britney who is a teenager and is addicted to or abuses drugs. Application of human service profession theories and techniques In this analysis, I bring some issues and concepts of feminist ethics, post-modernism, and critical theory to reflect on an important child’s issue-policy approaches to pregnant teenager who is polysubstance user. Many people, including many law enforcement officials, child protection agents, and legislators, think that teenagers who use drugs during pregnancy should be punished for the harm or risks of harm they bring to their babies. I analyze this punishment approach and argue that the situation of pregnant teenager addicts does not satisfy the conditions usually articulated by philosophers to justify punishment. A punishment approach, moreover, may have sexist and racist implications and ultimately operates more to maintain a social distinction between insiders and deviants than to protect children. Most of those who criticize a punishment approach to policy for pregnant addicts call for meaningful treatment programs as an alternative. I interpret this treatment approach as a version of a feminist ethic of care. For the most part, theorizing about the ethics of care has remained at the level of ontology and epistemology, with little discussion of how the ethics of care interprets concrete moral issues differently from more traditional approaches to ethics. By conceptualizing a treatment approach to pregnant teenage addict as justified by an ethics of care, I propose to understand this ethics of care as a moral framework for social policy. Although I agree with a treatment approach to policy for pregnant teenage addicts, from a feminist point of view there are reasons to be suspicious of many aspects of typical drug treatment. Relying on Michel Foucault’s notions of disciplinary power and the operation of â€Å"confessional† discourse in therapy, I argue that treatment often operates to adjust women to dominant gender, race, and class structures and depoliticizes and individualizes their situations. Thus, I conclude by offering a distinction between two meanings of empowerment in service provision, one that remains individualizing, and one that develops social solidarity through consciousness raising and the possibility of collective action. Punishment Punitive legislation regarding pregnant addicts has been considered in more than thirty states and by the U. S. Congress. Although the testimony of legal and medical experts appears to have succeeded in preventing the passage of congressional legislation, at least eight states now include drug exposure in utero in their definition of child abuse and neglect. In several states without such laws, prosecutors have used existing drug-trafficking laws to file criminal charges against women who use cocaine or other controlled substances during pregnancy. By July 1992 at least 167 women in twenty-six states had been arrested and charged criminally because of their use of drugs during pregnancy or because of some other prenatal risk. A number of these women have been found guilty and sentenced to as many as ten years in prison. The majority of these cases have involved women of color, even though white women also use illegal drugs. The controversy that has been boiling about this punishment approach to policy for pregnant addicts appears in some of the appeals of these convictions. As of November 1992, twenty-one cases had been challenged or appealed, and all of these were dismissed or overturned (Roberts, 1991) As a result of increasing controversy over such punitive policies, some state and local governments have encouraged treatment as a complement or alternative to criminal punishment or child removal. Thus, California has enacted a law that requires drug treatment programs to give priority to pregnant women. The state of Connecticut has mandated that outreach workers seek out addicted mothers and mothers-to-be to encourage them to get treatment. In the fall of 1991, the city of New York instituted a program that allows addicted women to take their babies home after birth, provided that they enter treatment and agree to weekly visits from a social worker (Larson1991). This program and many others that emphasize treatment over punishment nevertheless retain a punitive tendency to the degree that they are coercing women to have treatment. Most prosecutors and policymakers who have pursued a punishment approach to pregnant addicts would deny that racist and sexist biases inform their practices. They claim instead that they are exercising their obligations as state agents to protect infants from harm and to hold accountable those responsible for such harms when they occur. Women who take cocaine or heroin while pregnant are wantonly and knowingly risking the lives or health of future persons and deserve to pay for such immoral harm. Punishing women who give birth to drug-affected babies serves notice to others that the state considers this a grave wrong and will thus deter such behavior. As with most punishments, the primary justifications for punitive policies toward pregnant addicts are deterrence and retribution. Neither justification, however, is well grounded. A deterrence theory of punishment relies on an assumption that people engage in some kind of cost benefit calculation before taking the actions the policies are aimed at. In some contexts this makes sense. If a city wishes to discourage illegal parking, it raises the fines and threatens to tow, and these policies usually do work to reduce infractions. The idea that a pregnant addict weighs the benefits of taking drugs against the costs of possible punishment, however, is implausible, because it assumes that it is within her power to refrain from taking drugs if she judges that the costs are too high. Many health professionals argue that punitive policies toward pregnant addicts does deter them from seeking prenatal care (Mann, 1991). Women are likely to avoid contact with healthcare providers if they believe that their drug use will be reported to state authorities who will punish them. Because drug-using pregnant women’s fetuses and babies are often at particularly high risk, they need prenatal attention even more than most. Experts claim that the harmful effects of drug use on infants can be offset, at least in part, by good prenatal care, when health professionals are aware of a woman’s drug use in a supportive nonpunitive atmosphere (Paltrow, 1990) I think that retribution is most often implicitly or explicitly the operative justification for punitive approaches to pregnant addicts. These women ought to be punished and threatened with punishment because their wrongful actions deserve sanction. Such a retributive justification for a punitive approach to pregnant addicts must assume that these women are responsible both for their drug use and for their pregnancies; if freedom is a condition for assigning responsibility, however, these are problematic assumptions. Most states where punitive policies toward pregnant addicts have been pursued do not prosecute people for drug use alone. Especially where this is so, women are essentially being punished for carrying a pregnancy to term. Such punishment must presuppose that women are responsible for being pregnant, but there are several social conditions that limit women’s choice to be or not be pregnant. Ours is still a society where women often are not really free in their sexual relations with men. Access to contraception, moreover, is not easy for many women, especially poor or young women. And, of course, even when they have it, the contraception sometimes does not work. With rapidly decreasing access to abortion for all women in the United States, but especially for young or poor women, finally, fewer and fewer women have a choice about whether to carry a pregnancy to term (Lewin, 1992). Some prosecutors and policies claim to use a punishment approach primarily as means of encouraging or forcing women into drug treatment. In line with the above arguments, one might say that a pregnant addict is morally blameworthy for harming her child only if she does not seek help in dealing with her drug use. In recent years some small steps have been taken to increase the availability of drug treatment for pregnant women, and to design programs specifically for their needs; for the most part, however, access to more than perfunctory drug treatment is limited. Most programs either do not accept pregnant women or have waiting lists that extend long beyond their due dates. Most private health insurance programs offer only partial reimbursement for treatment, and in many states Medicaid will reimburse only a portion of the cost of drug treatment. Most treatment programs are designed with men’s lives in mind, and very few have childcare options. Mandatory reporting laws or other procedures that force women into treatment, moreover, create an adversary and policing relation between healthcare providers and the women they are supposed to serve, thereby precluding the trust relationship most providers believe is necessary for effective drug therapy( Chavkin, 1991).

Types of Food Styling

Have you ever seen a picture of food that makes you craving and hungry? This is food stylist job to make food look fresh, good, tempting and irresistible. What is food stylist? The food stylist’s job is to create food and dishes that appear in magazines, cookbooks, advertisements, food packaging, television commercials, and sometimes even feature films. Using behind the scenes magic and culinary artistry, a food stylist is responsible for making food look exciting, enticing, and effortlessly prepared – in essence, seducing the viewer.The food stylist brings to a photograph a creative eye, expertise in food preparation, and artistic interpretation of the black-and-white words of recipe (Lou Manna, NYC, 2005). Food is styled to be photographed for different purposes either for editorial photos such as magazines, and cookbooks or for commercial purposes such as advertising, packaging and labeling. Food stylist must know how to create a creativity on photos to make a photos look real, fresh and can attract audience.Editorial purposes in food styling can considered as most famous and exciting job because food stylist can use he/she unlimited creativity to make food look good and attractive. Food stylist is not tied to any concept or idea. Examples of editorial are newspapers, magazines, menu books, cookbooks and recipe books. Food stylist can use as many props to make food look beautiful. The quality of photos does not need as good as advertising but it is good enough to be published in cookbooks and magazines. Commercial purposes divided into several types which are advertising, packaging and labeling, and Tv or film purposes.Paper ad such as McDonald, Burger King and KFC are examples of advertising in food styling. Usually food stylist will use fake food to make food in advertising more real and tempting. Besides that, uses of props and other supporting objects also help for make advertising look creative. Newspaper advertising, menus, brochures, fly ers and billboards are also some example of advertising. For advertising purposes, as a food stylist and photographer must follow the idea and concept of advertising agency because the idea and concept already decided by ad agency.However, quality of photograph is very important because photos may use in billboards and large ads in the magazine. Packaging is the most difficult, complicated and tedious. When style for packaging, photos must needs match with that product and make it realistic and favorable. A lot of effort and meticulous detail needs in styling food before being photographed. Use a maximum lighting but less special effect and cautions with props because it may overshadow a product. For this type of photography, the food presented must as clear and as detail as possible exactly as a product.Food stylist has to put effort to ensure that numbers or pieces of the product in the package, color and ingredients if possible should be shown as realistic as possible (Neel, 2009 ) Tv or film is take a different purposes compare to advertising and packaging. Food stylist will work with a director or prop master on the set. Food stylist must learn and understand particular concept and idea before doing a job because it may not meets with original concept. The most difficult task when doing this job is the need to be ready to prepare as much food ‘actor’ and as identically as possible.This is all depends on how many ‘takes’ are taken for that particular scene (Noor, 2011) We can conclude that types of photography can be divided into two which is for editorial purposes and commercial purposes. Quality of photos is depending on what types of food styling we want. If for advertising, it must in high quality while for editorial is just good enough for published in cookbooks. Editorial purposes can use our unlimited creativity because it is not tied to any concept or idea. Otherwise in commercial purposes, all the concept and idea have bee n decided by ad agency or director.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Amended Budget Paper And Excel File

Riordan Manufacturing Inc is an international company specialized in the manufacturing of plastic products. Based in USA, Riordan Manufacturing has manufacturing plants in Georgia, Michigan, Albany and Pontiac. To achieve international status, and produce high quality products, Riordan Manufacturing has opened another plant in Hang Zhou in China. One of the aims of the Riordan manufacturing is to remain competitive in order to achieve market advantages. To achieve this aim, the management of Riordan manufacturing has initiated a policy to constantly change the business environment, and employ latest technology.To achieve global expansion, Riordan manufacturing has decided to initiate global market expansion through the introduction of virtual organization. The Riordan’s virtual organization involves the introduction of electronic commerce in order to sell the company products worldwide through the application of internet. In the present global competitive environment, e-busine ss has become one of the potent tools by which organization achieve competitive market advantages. Thus, Riordan manufacturing has decided to employ e-business to increase efficiency in sales and marketing through the implementation of virtual organization.For the successful implementation of virtual business organization, Riordan manufacturing needs to employ Information Technology (IT) supports in order to install both hardware and software, and efficient implementation of operation costs is very essential. The objective of this paper is to amend the overall budget of FY2004. The amendment will reveal the increase on expenditures on items such as hardware, software and outside IT support by 4%. The paper also amends the budget by decreasing the overall budget by 2%.Finally, the paper provides the rational behind the changes in the budget of Riordan manufacturing FY2004. To achieve the business growth, Riordan intends to implement virtual organization. To achieve efficient virtual organisation for Riordan manufacturing, it is essential to adjust the consolidating operating budget of FY2004. Essentially, paper amends consolidating Operating Budget Cost IT center for Riordan manufacturing FY2004 and in the amendment, the following requirements are reflected.First, there is increase on expenditures on items related to hardware, software, and outside IT support services by 4 percent. Moreover, there is decrease in the overall budget by 2 percents. The paper provides the rational behind the changes on the budget amount in the next section. 1. 2: Rational behind the changes on the budget. First, integration of IT has become of the major objectives of many organisations. In the present contemporary competitive environment, organizations now realise that integration of IT tools has become potent tools by which organizations gain market advantages.With the realization of potential benefits that IT has provided for the success of organization, Riordan manufacturing has also decided to integrate IT tools in its business operation. This has vividly revealed from the company memorandum written by Hugh McCauley, and sent to Michael Riordan, Maria Trinh, and Dale Edgel on September 10, 2003. From this memorandum, the Riordan manufacturing has dedicated to employ the latest technology to support the continuing business operations.Proper integration of latest Information Technology in the business model necessitates the integration of latest hardware and software so that Riordan manufacturing could achieve high competitive advantages for its virtual business organisation. To achieve these aims, there is need to make changes in the budget by increasing the spending on the items related to hardware, software, and items outside IT service by 4% . The increase in the spending on these items is very critical for the successful implementation of virtual organisation that Riordan manufacturing intends to implement.The increase in the spending on the outside IT service is also very critical because there is need to implement employee training for the continuous implementation of web based business of Riordan manufacturing. Employee training is very critical for the smooth running of virtual organization. Employee will be in charge of processing of orders sent by customers online. Moreover, employee will ensure that orders received online are dispatched to clients. Thus, employee training is very critical to ensure that Riordan’s employees are capable to handle these tasks.Thus, increase in spending to achieve this aim is one of the reasons to amend the overall budget. Apart from employee training, maintenance and contract will also be critical for the smooth running of virtual organization, the increase in spending on this item will ensure the smooth continuity of virtual organization. The contact for the virtual organization will consist of Web hosting, off site data storage, and hardware maintenance. The items revealed in the con tract are very critical for the virtual organisation. Web hosting is indispensable for web based business.Hardware maintenance is very critical in order to avoid web failure. Offsite data storage is also very critical for web based business, off site data storage is very essential for data security because there may be data loss through theft, fire disaster, and other unforeseen circumstances. Thus, the increase in spending on these items will enhance viability of Riordan virtual organization. Moreover, the changes in overall budget are critical in order to reduce the overall budget by 2%. The reduction in the overall budget by 2% is essential to reduce overall operating costs of Riordan manufacturing.According to Kuzic, Fisher, and Scollary (2002) the advantages of virtual organisation is to achieve the reduction in operating costs. One of the advantages of decrease in the operating costs is to increase the company’s revenue, and this will lead to the increase in the yearly net profit of Riordan manufacturing. 2: Conclusion The paper provides the amendment of budget for the Riordan manufacturing consolidated operating budget cost IT center for the FY2004. In the amendment, there are changes that reveal the increase in the spending on items related to hardware, software and outside IT items by 4%.Moreover, there is decrease of overall budget by 2%. The paper presents the rational behind the overall changes in budget. The rational provided are to meet the aims of Riordan manufacturing in order to implement the latest technology to achieve competitive market advantages. The overall decrease in budget by 2% is also essential. This is to decrease the operating costs of Riordan manufacturing in order to increase the company’s net profits. Reference Kuzic, J. Fisher,J. & Scollary, A. (2002). Electronic Commerce Benefits, Challenges And Success Factors in the Australian Banking and Fina

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Saving Private Ryan Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Saving Private Ryan - Movie Review Example To create this point of view, Spielberg had to show us shots of Captain Miller looking at something and then shows us how the captain reacts to what the captain witnesses. This subjective point of view, not only appears during the first epic battle scene but also in other battle scenes throughout the film. There is another remarkable battle scene later in the film where the soldiers encounter German troops in the bombed-out remains of a French town. Spielberg is keen to show the viewer that men who fight in the war put their life on the line for others, not for heroism, but because it is their duty to do so. He clarifies this point by using Captain Miller’s point of view. Miller is a delightful, soft-spoken individual that experiences the horrifying violence of the battle scene as he sees other soldiers lose their lives. As the leader of his group, Captain Miller lets us in on the importance of winning the war and at the same time shows the viewer on his determination to complete his mission of saving Ryan’s life so that he can go back home.  One controlling motif in the film is the use of noise and silence. This motif is clearly brough t out especially since Spielberg uses Captain Miller’s point of view. There are moments of blasting noise around the soldiers, especially during the battle scenes. In these moments, the soldiers have to carry on regardless of the fact that they cannot even hear themselves or their captain. During the battle, there are also moments when Miller is oblivious to all that is happening around him and even though he can see everything clearly, it seems like everything around him is on mute. This happens during the first battle scene on the beach where a soldier tries to ask him for orders, and he snaps out of the silence back to the noise.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enterprise Resource Planning - Case Study Example The first stage was of the implementation of The Advantage 2000 was the development process. The development process involved four steps where business team members would design the global process, business and IS team members would look at SAP as the preferred platform, identify the gaps in the current system and work through them. Along with the development stage was the enterprise resource planning (ERP) that would simplify the support of common, global business processes and enable OC managers to do the following (pg. 667): During the development and planning stage Deloitte & Touche CG/ICS experts were actively involved to develop and deliver training to the project teams on process simplification. They were OC’s top management prior to Radcliff’s arrival due to their expertise in organization design, BPR, and change management. The next stage was the sourcing where talents and resources were sought that would enable the project become a reality. In May 1994 Michael Radcliff was brought on board as the company’s chief information officer. Along with the sourcing of talent was also the outsourcing of vendor that would serve as the transition system from the old legacy systems to the new system. In early 1995, project teams for the Advantage 2000 project started to form. Workshops then ensued to communicate and enable the entire IS community of the new high performance objective of a process oriented organization. Team members were trained to juggle from one function to another to enable systems integration a possibility on various business units of the organization under the auspices of its new CIO Radcliff. Among the teams that were created were Global Development Teams which were made of composite members from business and IS to form the new business process model whose objective was to develop and delvier process and systems solutions on time. R2 -included a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fair Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fair Trade - Essay Example The minimum price is set such that it can never be below the current market price or level. Despite fair trade gaining momentum and increasing in the United Kingdom and the world over, the fair trade concept is generally unfair. Proponents of fair trade argue that the scheme is meant to help farmers to meet the average costs of production in developing nations. Through the fair trade scheme, farmers and workers are accorded better financing, premiums and a basic set price which is intended to cushion farmers when the world market price falls. All these factors lead to better financial stability for the producers. However, the concept of financial stability of fair trade farmers is very weak (Mohan, 2010). Farmers have to pay certification fees, application fees and renewal certification charges and in the end, these costs are too great for the farmers. A 2009 study undertaken by Saenz-Segura and Zuniga-Arias’ found out that the costs associated with fair trade consume more than a third of fair trade premiums received by farmers. As such, fair trade does not have a significant financial impact on the farmers or producers (Raluca, Giovannucci & Nunn, 2014). Additionally, the financial stability promise d by fair trade is often non-existent. Despite the fact that the minimum set price offers farmers some assurance, they are not assured of selling their products as fair trade. Therefore, farmers have to endure financial uncertainty just like all other farmers. Also, according to Sidwell (2008), only a fraction (10%) of the premiums reaches the farmer or worker. Fair trade is meant to improve the lives of farmers in developing countries. Thus, proponents state that fair trade helps to end poverty in poor countries. On the contrary, fair trade encourages and promotes poverty. A lot of farmers who have benefited from the fair trade scheme reside in Mexico,

Monday, August 26, 2019

International relations major Personal Statement - 1

International relations major - Personal Statement Example n of a conservative nation of the Middle East, I consider myself at an appropriate position to study international relations as my major subject as it will not only help me in understanding the value of good relations between neighboring countries but also will improve and enhance my knowledge of different cultures worldwide. Saudi Arabia ranks among the fastest developing countries of the present world, which experience high rates of migration to different parts of the world. In addition, the country’s relationship with other nations is at its peak due to various factors such as the war on terror, oil trade, politics, and sports. The perceived link between Islam and terrorism and the economic and social status of women living in Saudi Arabian republic are two main reasons for me to study International Relations as this program focuses on the study of different cultures and societies, the thoughts of political and general public belonging to different countries, the influence of public perception, and governments’ national and international policies. I firmly accept that an influential and so far-reaching subject warrants a critical understanding and analysis at higher levels. Earning a degree from one of the top ranked universities of the world would give me a competitive edge in my professional career. I have decided to apply in name of university because this educational institute has an experienced faculty not only in the department of International Relations studies but also in all other fields of study. Studying under the guidance of expert teachers will allow me to gain invaluable information about my intended major and grow intellectually in an appropriate manner. I am capable of working under severe conditions because of the experience gained from working for different organizations. As far as my short-term and long-term goals are concerned, I have planned them according to my personal and professional interests. For example, my short-term goal is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

London is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities on Assignment

London is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities on the planet - Assignment Example Essentially, multiculturalism enhances a community. It regenerates cities that are on the verge of decay. This is demonstrated in the case of the staging of the Olympics in London this year. With the event, there is an expectation of a positive effect in the population movement both inwards and outwards. Britain maintains it will create a stable, progressive and sizable community that is multi-ethnic in composition. The Olympics is expected to bring in people, wealth and diversity with all the developments that will take place. The positive consequence can be specifically illustrated in an aspect of life in London affected by the influx of foreign migrants. Benedictus revealed how the diversity gave life to the food industry in the city. It was explained that culinary tradition is one of the things that the British way of life lacks and as the new immigrants crave for a taste of home, many restaurants offering foreign food open in new immigrant communities. Native Londoners were quick to welcome the changes, which led to a vibrant food industry that provides for the needs of both the migrants and the Londoners alike. This example represents how immigrants contribute new ideas, new changes and new dimension to a community. According to Parekh, multiculturalism â€Å"is not about shutting oneself up in a communal or cultural ghetto and leading a segregated and self-contained life† because it is all â€Å"about opening oneself to others, learning from their insights and criticisms, and growing as a re sult.† Multiculturalism is not without risks. The spate of riots that plagued London in recent years is evidence to this point. When social integration fails, there is always the danger of conflict. There are several reasons for this. First, there is ignorance, which according to Benedictus, breeds intolerance. Unfortunately, it happens most of the time. Then, there is also the media. It feeds ignorance and encourages discrimination by stereotyping people and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

How to build a deck Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

How to build a deck - Assignment Example Building a deck is one of the best improvements you can make for your house. Depending on the material you use, a deck can be an inviting warm place to host parties, outdoor cooking, watch your kids as they play or just a good resting place for your pets. Many real estate agents will tell you that clients value houses that have well placed decks. Having a deck does not require high technology or expertise. Many people are able to do this by following simple instructions. You can actually design, plan and do the masonry and carpentry and see your house turn into something new. Having a good deck actually raises the value of your house. Before doing any modification to your house, it is usually safer to check with the local building inspectors to find out if you need a building permit for this. Doing this will save you embarrassment and money if you have to demolish the deck just because you did not adhere to the rules of your area. It is advisable to visit their offices to get details of what is expected and if there are any inspections that will be done by the officials. Since this deck will be a permanent structure that will hold human life, the government has a right to ensure that it is rightly done and that is why the building inspectors are there. The inspectors may have specified rules in terms of size, design, materials and even how deep you can dig the foundation. It is therefore important to get these permits and the inspectors to approve your intended construction. The inspectors will probably ask you for a deck plan, so you need to be ready for this. There are places where permits are not really required. If you do not need the permit, then do not go looking for one. However, you will need to be aware of the building codes in your area to ensure you are adhering to them. This manual discusses decks and incorporates images and illustrations for easier understanding. The procedures will be discussed as follows: Deck Plan Deck layout Selecting materials - what materials are available and how to choose the best Fittings and Fasteners Construction- laying and deck-step by step procedure Railing and finishing Common problems in building decks The Deck Plan A deck plan consists of the design of the deck with scale drawings of the size of it. Start out by determining where you want the deck to be. Take the measurements of the area putting into consideration permanent structures or plants that cannot be removed. For example, if you have a big palm tree in front of your house that you do not want to remove, you will be forced to adjust your measurements and design to accommodate the tree and at the same time ensure safety. Have a sketch of the design you want. Also, have enough space to accommodate that design. Now, when you have the space and the design, it is time to put the design on paper. Using your sketch, do the ground measurements. At this point, just record them as you measure. You will determine the scale once all the measuremen ts have been done. When you have all the sections measured, work out a scale. An example is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Group dynamics in the business world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Group dynamics in the business world - Essay Example This paper tends to discuss the significance of understanding group dynamics in the business world. It also researches how teamwork and interdependence would enhance organizational cohesiveness and its implications in business world. To illustrate, today technology is the most inevitable factor in the rapid changing business world. Web-based technology helps organizations to be more productive by aligning their workforce, information, and resources. Individual efforts alone can not attain the intended goals on proposed time. As new business organizations are rather decentralized in their structure, incorporated information sharing and problem solving have become essential. Therefore, members require specialized training in group dynamics and team building because various factors like diverse personalities, departmental politics, and dispute over leadership might challenge team’ effectiveness (Ackerson W., 1990, p.23). Moreover, teams are the part of an organization’s quality improvement program. Therefore, positive interdependence is essential to achieve mutual goals. Organizations can easily cut down time lag in communication by maintaining positive interdependence. As compared to individual managers, a team can better research the effectiveness of current strategies and identify the weakness if any. However, it is said that research about groups is not always valid and relevant. The validity of the research depends on various factors including the potentiality of members involved, depth of material evaluation, reliability of information collected etc. Groups are believed to have more potential than individuals in problem solving. It helps organizations to compress time by effective interaction between the group members. Strategy designed by group is more reliable; and is less likely to flaw as it is the result of negotiation, bargaining and compromise between many individuals. Group can better

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Report Detailing Network Solution for Extension Site Assignment

Report Detailing Network Solution for Extension Site - Assignment Example The router should have a minimum of three interfaces. The first interface connects directly to the server. The second interface provides a connection to the sub networks while the other one connects to the internet for synchronization with the remote back-up servers, and databases. This takes place while also allowing the system to synchronize with standard global time. The fixed port switch provides connectivity from the router to the hosts. This switch should be able to sustain the traffic on the network. The network should also support voice, video and data to be transmitted simultaneously over the network. The transmission of voice and data will facilitate communication on the network and exchange of information. The users are divided into four subnets that support an approximate equal number of hosts. This can be classified according to departments. It will improve communication between the users. The network should also allow flexibility and easy addition of new nodes such as the university’s school of nursing extension site. The initial set up supports 24 hosts and these will be divided into the subnets. They should however facilitate the growth of the network, which involves the increase in data traffic and consequent increase in user activity (Alexander, 2004). The use of a local file server helps manage the data in the network. It is essential that the network have a local server for effective data management. The use of the outlined equipment will help save on costs for developing the network that supports a few users and can deliver efficiently. The network’s design allows for scalability because growth in any institution is

Conformity Essay Example for Free

Conformity Essay A nonconformist is a person whose behavior or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or practices of the society. In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury the main character Guy Montag was a nonconformist to his society, and in the movie Cool Hand Luke directed by Stuart Rosenberg, Luke Jackson was the nonconformist. Guy Montag was considered a nonconformist because in his society you weren’t allowed to read books, and he did. In Luke’s society he was considered a nonconformist because he went against the jail and ran away repeatedly. Luke is more of a nonconformist compared to Guy Montag because Luke was a man who refused to be nailed down or conform to the rules and regulations of a society. Luke from the movie Cool Hand Luke was sent to jail after he cut the heads off of parking meters. He was sent to prison where he later didn’t conform to the rules. Luke is a nonconformist for opposite reasons than Montag. Luke wasn’t liked by the people in the prison at first, and kept to himself. After later having a boxing match with one of his inmates Dragline, and was repeatedly knocked down but kept getting up was respected by the inmates. Luke never cared about what people thought of him, and never had anyone influence his actions or opinions. Luke did what he wanted to, when he wanted to. Luke wasn’t scared to go against the law several times after he already knew the consequences, and received them before. Guy Montag from the book Fahrenheit 451 was a local firefighter for his town and was suppose to burn books but instead he read them, and had to be fugitive and flee his town. Montag is different than Luke by many reasons. Montag was always respected by society for his job until he was caught reading books and was labeled dangerous by the news when he was on the run. Montag fought with the society as a whole and the government, where as Luke fought with individuals. Montag was influenced by one of his neighbors, a little girl named Clarisse. She opened his mind and made him think about things. For example she asked Montag if he was simply happy, and then Montag was left puzzled thinking â€Å"Of course I’m happy. What does she think? I’m not?† (pg10). Montag also blames other for his actions. For example when he blamed his hand for taking the book and putting it into his coat, â€Å"Montag had done nothing. His hand had done it all, his hand†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg 37) . Luke and Guy Montag are both similar because they both impacted their societies, Luke’s being in the prison and Montag’s being the town. Both had societies with an ultimate tool of conformity, the box and the mechanical hound. Both characters fought for what they believed was right. Montag wanted to rebuild the society after it was bombed, and Luke wanted to prove that he did know wrong from right before he was put in the box. Both Montag and Luke took major risks and both knew the consequences before they made their actions making them nonconformists. Montag used a little ear piece called the green bullet that allowed him to talk to Faber for his great escape. Luke was severely beaten multiple times by the prison warden, and he still ran away. Luke is more of a nonconformist than Guy Montag. Luke went against the most important thing in a conformist society, the law. Luke became the leader after people followed him, and wanted him to be the leader. Luke had a less of a need to be affiliated with anyone, like when he first got to the prison and just ignored what Dragline had to say about him or any other inmates. Most importantly Luke was more of a nonconformist because he went against the conformist’s rules and values, having to go in the box accepting the punishment and not running away.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

National minimum wage which covers the whole of south korea

National minimum wage which covers the whole of south korea Introduction The third edition of Collins dictionary defines that the minimum wage is the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay an employee according to a law or agreement. South Korea introduced the minimum wage in 1988 with the purpose of stabilizing low-paid workers living and improving the quality of the labour force, thereby contributing to the stable development of the national economy.(Minimum Wage Act, Article 1, 1986) Since then, South Korea has have one national minimum wage which covers the whole of South Korea, even though there are various exceptions which are not applied, such as any businesses employing only families or relatives who are living together, those who are hired for household works, seamen who are subject to the Seamen Act, trainees who are doing on-the-job training during the first 3 months and workers with disabilities who can be paid sub-minimum wages pursuant to a certificate issued by the Ministry of Labour. The minimum wage in South Korea in 1988 was 462 won (KRW, a proxy 0.37 dollar at the current exchange rate: 1$=1,240 KRW), the minimum wage in 2009 is 4,000 won (a proxy 3.23 dollars at the current exchange rate). In case of the US, the US federal minimum wage in 2009 is 7.25 dollars and that of 1988 was 3.35 dollars. (U.S Department of Labor, 2009) If we compare two countries with 2008 minimum wage which South Koreas minimum wage was 3,770 KRW(3.41 dollars, at the 2008 average exchange rate: 1$=1,105 KWR) and the US federal minimum wage is 5.85 dollars. Considered the gross national income per capita in 2008 which of South Korea is 21,530 USD and that of the US is 47,580 USD The World Bank, 2009), the level of the minimum wage in South Korea is not low, and furthermore the average increasing rate during the past 10 years in South Korea, which is over 10%, is much higher than that of the US. But because of the recent economic depression, while the Minimum Wage Council (MWC) which is established in the Ministry of Labor to deliberate the minimum wage and other related matters, which is composed of three part representatives workers representatives, employers representatives and the public representatives, deliberated the minimum wage in 2010, there was a big gap between workers representatives and employers representatives, even employers representatives who have offered a slight increase during the last two decades made a suggestion that the minimum wage should be frozen or should be dropped. After the long deliberation, the minimum wage of the next year fixed at 4,110 KRW which is the lowest increase level during the past 10 years. Furthermore on 18th Nov. 2008, 31 members of the National Assembly from the ruling party (Hannara-party) submitted the revised minimum wage bill, in which included the introduction of a regional minimum wage and exception to the over 60 years old people. They claimed that the present minimum wage level is quite high, becomes a burden to small businesses, and ultimately causes the low-skilled workers unemployment. (The National Assembly, 2008) The proposal of amending the minimum wage act provoked the criticism from the Labour Unions and some social organizations. In this research, I will review one aspect of the revised bill, the regional minimum wage introduction into South Korea. The economists perspectives of the minimum wage According to conventional supply and demand curves, the price of the product is fixed at the equilibrium point, theoretically the labour market is the same. The price of the labour market i.e. the wage settles at the equilibrium point (Figure 1, at We) where supply and demand meet together, therefore there is no unemployment. But the minimum wage is settled at the certain level which is mostly higher than the equilibrium (figure 1, at Wm) with the certain social and political purpose, for example, the stabilization of vulnerable workers livelihoods and income redistribution. Economists say that the minimum wage reduces employment in the sectors which it targets to cover and the decrease of employment outweighs the wage increase leading to lose low-skilled workers jobs. In figure 1, if the minimum wage settles at Wm, then it causes the unemployment (G-D) and the amount of employed workers reduces from F which is the amount of the employed when the government does not intervene in the labour market to D. This is the basic theory that most economists use when they mention the negative effects of minimum wage George Stigler (1946, p358) points out in his article that the popular objective of minimum wage legislation-the elimination of poverty-was not debatable and a minimum wage could not guarantee the low-wage members of wealthier households. He claims that the program of increasing income must be supplemented by a program of education-in diet, in housing, in education. (Stigler, 1946, p365) It is commonly agreed in the field of economics that the minimum wage is not an effective device for eliminating poverty. The brief history of the Minimum Wage The minimum wage was first introduced in New Zealand in 1894 in response to so-called sweat shops workers strikes. (Starr, 1981) Now most countries in the worlds including the US, France, Canada, Japan, China and the UK have the minimum wage regulation. Still there are a few countries which do not have the minimum wage regulation such as Germany, Italy, Swiss, Sweden and Denmark. In case of South Korea, the minimum wage act enacted in 1986 on the grounds of the Constitution. Since the enforcement in 1988, reflecting the economic and social change, amendment has been made. But the assessment about the minimum wage is different among people. Employers complain that the present minimum wage policy does not reflect the current businesses situation and the change of the labour market (MWC, 2008). In contrast, labour unions argue that the current minimum wage is a very low level and does not carry out the objective of minimum wage effectively. The debates about its effects are still going on. Criteria for setting minimum wages Each country has its own organizations and minimum wage deciding procedure. Factors which affect the minimum wage vary from countries, in spite of the varieties; we can generally classify them into three main factors, which are the needs of workers, ability to pay and the requirements of development. (Starr, 1981) Gerald Starr mentions that defining meaningful criteria is the main key to ensure the objectives of minimum wage. (Star, 1981) In South Korea, the minimum wage act article 4 states that a minimum wage shall be set after considering the workers living cost, labour productivity and the ratio of income distribution and it can be set differently by the industry. There is a controversy whether criteria are meaningful or not, and how each criterion can be measured precisely is also a concern. Despite of the other arguments about the minimum wage policies, I will not talk about them here. The introduction of a regional minimum wage into South Korea As I mentioned in the introduction, the revised bill by Hannara-party is pending at National Assembly. This revised bill includes several debatable issues. The regional minimum wage introduction is one of them. Hannara-party claims that the minimum wage has contributed to the low-paid workers livelihoods ; meanwhile the recent financial crisis causes financial pressure to small companies, makes them violate the law and consequently is taking the job opportunity from the vulnerable working class. They say that there exists a gap to the living cost and between provinces. That is the main reason to suggest the revision. (NA, 2008) Under the present acting law, there is no ground that Ministry of Labour can set a different minimum wage according to geographical areas. On the minimum wage act article 4, Ministry of Labour can set a minimum wage differently according to industries. But until now, Ministry of Labour has never set the minimum wage differently by industries. As soon as Hannara-party turned the bill in, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) made an announcement that Hannara-partys suggestion is a threat to the basic role of minimum wage. The regional minimum wage introduction will cause the society to widen the social and economic gaps between the provinces and to deepen the emotional diversion. KCTU argues that the revised bill will make workers who work at the small companies where the minimum wage is comparatively low move to the higher areas i.e. Seoul or the other big cities. In the long run, the regional minimum wage will not help small companies in the local and rural areas but will destroy small companies. Furthermore, it will devastate the national economy. Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) which is the other major associated union organizations also expressed the same position about the revised bill with the KCTU. In contrast to KCTUs arguments, the Korea Employers Federation expresses an agreement about a regional minimum wage introduction. KEF says the cost of living and the average wage in each city and each province is different. The price in local provinces or rural areas is relatively low, compared to Seoul and Kyeonggi province-so-called metropolitan cities. But the present system-one national minimum wage- does not reflect this cost living difference, the wage gap and the structural difference in the labour market. Considered the purpose of minimum wage which is to protect the low-paid workers, setting a regional minimum wage which workers can live with rather than establishing one national minimum wage is effective to the national economy. They claim that the law should be revised and minimum wage can be set differently according to geographical areas. They argue that a regional minimum wage is more appropriate to the objective protecting the low-paid workers. Through reflecting the price difference and applying differently to the areas, the regional minimum wage will also help small companies from the labor shortage. But they say that the process to determine the minimum wage should be reformed first, they express their worries if the authorities to determine the minimum wage are given to each province and then the disputes between employers and workers will worsen. KCTU argues that KEFs idea is unarguable and the Hannara-party revised bill is a retrogressive bill under the recent economic crisis, even it is against the Constitutional principles. Two major associated labor unions organizations say that they will continuously do street rally in major cities throughout the county, and will show their protestation against the revised bill, furthermore do every efforts to protect the lower-class and to gain a Living Wage until the Hannara-party and the government will withdraw the pending bill. Concerning this aspect, Uh soo-bong, a professor at Korea University of Technology and Education, said in the conference hosted by MWC in November 2008 that the regional minimum wage introduction could be considered if there is a significant gap between minimum living costs according to regions. But he added that there is no objective evidence for that until now. Some countries have the regional minimum wage, for example, the US, Canada, Australia and Brazil. (MWC, 2009) In case of the US, the minimum wage first was adopted by Massachusetts in 1912 to cover women and children before the federal minimum wage was adopted. Since then, several states also adopted the minimum wage legislation. The Fair Labor Standards Act, passed in 1938, is the first federal minimum wage regulation. The President at that time, Roosevelt, said that The law was the most far-sighted program for the benefit of workers ever adopted. Wages must ensure a minimum standard of living necessary for health, efficiency and general well-being, the act stipulated without substantially curtailing employment. Ever since, even in the US, critics and supporters have disputed over the minimum wage: some say it destroys jobs by making it too expensive to keep workers. Other economists note, however, that because a majority of minimum-wage earners work in outsourcing-resistant service jobs, businesses will have a hard time dismissing the workers massively. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley found that after an 80-cent New Jersey minimum wage increase in 1992, employment in the states fast-food restaurants rose slightly faster than in Pennsylvania, where the minimum wage did not change. (Card and Kruger, 1995) Instead of killing jobs, minimum wage supporters argue, the wage floor increases productivity and boosts consumer purchasing power. Now many states in the US have minimum wage laws. Therefore an employee is subject to both the state and federal minimum wage laws, the employee is entitled to the higher of the two minimum wages. Even though the federal government for almost 10 years from 1997 to 2006 did not increase the minimum wage, each state has increased the state minimum wage independently according to their own decision. Despite of the unchanged federal minimum wage, the states minimum wage increase did positive role in improvement for workers. As you can see figure 2, the number of the states which do not have state minimum wage is 5 which lie mostly in southern area, for example, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Mississippi. The number of states which have the lower state minimum wage is 7 and that of states which have the higher minimum wage is 12. Canada has only the states minimum wage, Canada does not have a national or federal minimum wage. In 1918, the state of British Colombia established the minimum wage first, and then Ontario, in 1920. Each state in Canada has the authority to decide the minimum wage independently. From the stage of the minimum wage introduction, South Korea and the US were quite different. In case of the US, Massachusetts first adopted the minimum wage, and a federal minimum wage was first set in 1938. Even though the national minimum wage does not change, the states set own minimum wages. The period 1997-2007 is the longest period during which the federal minimum wage has not been changed. Many states have departed from the federal minimum wage. Washingtons minimum wage is 8.55 dollars as of January 1, 2009. California and Massachusetts currently have minimum wages of 8.00 dollars, meanwhile the federal government has minimum wage of 7.25 dollars. There are lots of researches about the effects of minimum wage, but there are not many articles about comparison to a regional minimum wage and a national minimum wage. David Card and Alan B, Kruger published Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum wage in 1995. This book contains the cross-state comparisons. The study of employment in the fast food industry after the 1992 increase in the New Jersey minimum wage shows that employment was not affected adversely. In comparison to New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania where the minimum wage remains unchanged, conducted before and after the increase in the New Jersey, they found that the employment in New Jersey actually expanded with the increase minimum wage. Secondly a cross-state analysis finds that the 1990 and 1991 increases in the federal minimum wage did not affect teenage employment adversely. They mentions most economic discussions of public policy are concerned with questions of efficiency: in other words, where a particular policy generates more benefits than costs. In their research, they claim the minimum wage might raise the efficiency. In their views, the minimum wage is mainly a distributional issue. (Card and Kruger, 1995) They come to a conclusion that minimum wage does not have any negative effects to the employment. Their works rekindled the disputes among the economists. Kevin M. Murphy and Finis R. Welch, at a seminar in Washington in 1995 held by the American Enterprise Institute, claim that their research was prejudged and therefore, biased. Murphy and Welch also point out that systematic differences in state labor markets can obviously bias cross-state comparisons of employment as measures of minimum wage effects. (Murphy and Welch, 1996) Card and Krugers book has a different view from the commonly agreed idea, but ignores the potential effects of an increase in the minimum wage on cost of living. They study an aspect of the cost side of a higher minimum wage its effect on firms profitability, but they do not have the satisfying outcomes for the distribution side. Introducing a regional minimum wage into South Korea is another story from the US. Each state of the US rules independent politically and socially. It has own laws which have settled from the long history. As you can see the difference scale in two countries, the system of two countries is the more important aspect. Are there any needs to introduce a regional minimum wage into South Korea? Is the difference of cost living between provinces big enough to consider a regional minimum wage introduction? While Hannara-party and employers claims that the cost living and the price of commodities in local areas are relatively low, consumers price index shows that there is no difference between provinces. Furthermore, according to the result of the regional wage and working hour survey by the Ministry of Labor, Seoul, Ulsan, Taejeon and Kyeong-gi are the highest provinces in the monthly wage, Jeju and Jeonbuk is the lowest area. Jeju and Jeonbuk are considered as a low area of cost living, Seoul is considered as the most expensive city to live in. If a regional minimum wage is introduced for small companies in local provinces, the minimum wages of small provinces will be likely to lower than that of big cities, which will cause the gap of wage bigger. We can say that table 3 demonstrates the present wage reflects the cost living and the price of commodities. Conclusion The ultimate goal of minimum wage is for the stabilization of low-paid workers, not for the benefits of businesses. Even under one national minimum wage, the gap of the average wage between provinces is big. The average wage in so-called local provinces which assume that the cost living is rather low is the lowest level. The introduction might lessen the financial burden in the short run, but in the long run, economic polarization will deepen. And South Korea has a different political system from the US. Each province is not separate in politically and socially. That is the other aspect which makes the introduction difficult. Card and Kruger said minimum wage has no effect to the employment through the empirical research of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, but they did not consider each states cost living. As Stigler said in his paper, for small companies, the direct subsidy rather than minimum wage might be a better solution. (Stigler, 1946) References George J. Stigler The American Economic Association Vol 36, No 3 (Jun.,1936) pp 358~365 David Card, Alan B, Krueger Myth and Measurement the new economic of the minimum wage, Princeton university press Princeton, New Jersey,1995 The effects of the Minimum wage on Employment ,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Causes of Poverty in Canada | Essay

Causes of Poverty in Canada | Essay Poverty in a section of Canadian society remains a major concern, with the nation scoring one of the highest poverty rates among the highly industrialized and wealthiest nations (CBC, 2013). The government of Canada, in a bid to help reduce the poverty level, has been making efforts to set up wide range of social welfare programs, including universal public education systems, universal medical systems, minimum wage among others (Conference Board of Canada, 2013).It has, however, been argued that poverty depends on individuals and that the poor are only so because they wish. These steps imply that the government structural adjustment of socio-political structures may not save the prevailing situations. Against the background of the controversial source of poverty, this paper explores some of the causes of poverty in Canada, with a special attention of whether the poor can be so out of their wish. The paper argues that even though some personal attributes may account for the poor, pove rty is also a product of structural malfunctions, and however much individuals reform poverty will persist if corresponding structural adjustments are not made. Explaining the Poverty in Canada Poverty in a developed state like Canada can be explained from various theoretical standpoints. Some scholars view poverty as a product of personal failure so that the poor remain so because of their personal limitations and traits (Lusted, 2010). This school of thought stem from the notion of meritocracy, which assert that the rewards in the society are given based on merit. From this perspective, the rich are so because they poses unique personal attributes that the poor do not have, and the superior traits or characteristics that attract of societal reward with good earnings and wealth (Lusted, 2010). Going by meritocracy, the poor Canadians are those who have personal traits that limit them from utilizing the money making opportunities available. Such trait could include laziness, poor attitude or low educational attainment. Following this perspective the poor have simply failed to pull out of poverty, not because of any structural or societal failure, but essentially of the poor s personal failure. This notion is reflected in the resistance to socio-economic programs that Canadian government has sought to put in places such as progressive income tax system, minimum wage laws and child credits. The opponents of such programs argue that by letting the poor benefit the support, at the expense of those economically endowed, the government is rewarding personal failure. The notion of meritocracy and the view that poverty is an evitable personal failure should be treated with caution. Indeed, the Canadian society and the rest of the world are becoming highly competitive. Individuals need to have high educational attainment and adequate training to secure well-paying jobs. Those who venture into entrepreneurship equally have to be diligent and innovative to survive business competition and avoid being edged out of the competition. However, it proceeds from an assumption that personal efforts and capability are all needed for wealth creation. This is a wrong and misleading assumption. Entrepreneurs, for instance, need not only enterprising skills but also capital and at times land to start up and run their businesses. Accessing capital remains challenging too many Canadians, more so for those who have no security and good social network to help raise the same (Raphael, 2011). Similarly, those seeking to be employed could have high academic qualificatio ns but the employment opportunities that match their qualifications would be very scarce (Raphael, 2011). This leads to unemployment and underemployment, which increases the poverty level. There is also evidence that structural adjustments in Canada have slowed down and reduce the nation’s poverty rate. For instance, according to Conference Board of Canada (2013) reduced tax burden on the low income earning Canadians has helped limit poverty rate by up to 11 percent. Without this social relief, the Board estimates that Canadian poverty rate would now be standing at 23 percent rather than the 12 percent as it stood in 2013.This evidence disapproves the concept that poverty is associated with personal limitations because the adjustments were on structures rather than peoples traits. An alternative view is that poverty in Canada is mainly attributed to key economic and social structural failings. According to structural theorists, poverty in a society is a product of failures at the structural levels of the society (Rank, Yoon Hirschl, 2003). Structures in society refer to social, economic and political institutions, policies and programs. Ideally, these structures should be designed in accordance with the demands and circumstances of the society. That way, there will be structural fit between the structures and limitations they are designed to remedy or goals they are designed to achieve. When the systems fail to meet the goals, needs and demands they are meant to address, or when the structures turn out to be insufficient a structural failure occurs with adverse societal consequences (Rank et al., 2003). In the context of Canada, key social and economic structures include labor market, government policies, social safety nets and resource allocation among others. One of the failures that could explain Canadian poverty is the failure in the labor market to provide adequate job that would raise adequate pay and keep Canadian families out of the poverty (Raphael, 2011). Though Canada has relatively low unemployment level, the job market is relatively saturated so that a substantial population are absorbed in low paying part time jobs with fewer benefits (Rank et al., 2013). If the labor market would offer full time, well-paying jobs with benefits. Then the poverty level would drop. The minimum wage is equally fixed at a low rate that would hardly sustain families outside the poverty level. Few social safety net and devotion of fewer resources to helping the poor are yet further explanations of Canadian poverty. Evidence by Conference Board of Canada (2013) gives strong evidence that had Canadian government not set a progressive tax system with more relief to the poor, the poverty level would be far much higher than it is today. Without socially-driven tax relief, the Board estimates that Canadian poverty rate would now be standing at 23 percent rather than the 12 percent as it stood in 2013. Similarly, various social programs such as mandatory employment insurance programs and transfer programs from the poor to the old have lessen the poverty level evidence in reduction of income inequality by 27 percent away from what it would currently be. Conclusion To conclude, while personal failures could explain isolated cases of poverty in Canada, Canadian poverty is mainly due to structural failures. Personal traits are just but one of the several determinants of wealth creation. However hard working, enterprising and well-educated Canadians may be, they can hardly get outside the poverty cycle without adequate and proper social and economic structures. Some of the social and economic structural adjustments are already helping reduce poverty rates significantly, confirming the view that structural failures would escalate poverty rate. References CBC. (2013,February 1). Canada dwindling behind on poverty, variation, says report Canada ranked 7th in 17 developed countries. CBC. Retrieved from Conference Board of Canada. (2013). Children Poverty. Ottawa, ON: Conference of Canada. Lusted, M. A. (2010).Poverty. Edina, Minn.: ABDO Pub Rank, M.R., Yoon, H., Hirschl, T.A. (2003). American Poverty a Structural Failing. Evidence and Arguments. Journal of Social and Socialology Welfare30(4): 3–29. Raphael, D. (2011).Poverty in Canada: Implications of Health Quality of Life, 2nd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summary Of Latex Allergy :: essays research papers

Summary on Latex Allergy in the Workplace (from JADA) Latex Allergy in the Workplace first talks about the background of the obvious problem of Latex allergy. Natural rubber latex is extracted from the milky sap of the rubber tree Hevea Braziliensis namely in Malaysia. The history of Latex gloves began over a hundred years ago. The first recorded incidence of hypersensitivity (allergic reaction) to the natural rubber Latex occurred in 1939. Because of the upsurge of infectious diseases there was an increase in imported Latex gloves increased from one million in 1987 to eight million in 1988. Also, because of this increase in demand, foreign suppliers didn't live up to the US requirements in manufacturing the gloves, which has of course resulted in a higher latex exposure. And because of Latex being an allergen, the repeated exposure to it may become life threatening. Some types of allergic reactions are as follows: ICD – Irritant Contact Dermatitis – Because of around 200 different compounding chemicals in the gloves, and not properly washing hands after use an itchy, irritated, dryness occurs on the hands. ACD – Allergic Contact Dermatitis (Type IV) – is a delayed reaction to the Latex and usually occurs 24 to 96 hours after exposure. The symptoms of this certain reaction, is similar to poison ivy. Immediate Hypersensitivity (Type I) – Although the least common reactions to latex, these are the most severe and life-threatening. There have been serious reactions to Latex when inhaled as the proteins are aerosolized during glove cleaning and removal. In 1997 62% of Latex related deaths were from gloves alone. A positive diagnosis of Latex allergy is made by using the results of a medical history, physical exam, diagnostic/exposure related evaluation, and tests. Some tests include, the patch test, the prick skin test, and radio allegro-sorbent tests. With all these tests there is yet to be a 'gold standard'; for diagnosing Latex allergy. The big problem with these tests is that there are a significant number of wrong diagnosis results. The article goes on to tell just who is at risk to this allergy and who has increased risk. Everyone really is at risk to developing an allergy to Latex because even if you are not healthcare providers, workers that produce Latex products, or children with spina bifida or urogenital defect (all which have increased risk) you can still be exposed to Latex in many ways.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Anabolic Steroids Essay -- Drugs Veterinarian Biochemistry Essays

Anabolic Steroids Of the diagnostic methods available to veterinarians, the clinical chemistry test has developed into a valuable aid for localizing pathologic conditions. This test is actually a collection of specially selected individual tests. With just a small amount of whole blood or serum, many body systems can be analyzed. Some of the more common screenings give information about the function of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas and about muscle and bone disease. There are many blood chemistry tests available to doctors. This paper covers the some of the more common tests. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is an end-product of protein metabolism. Like most of the other molecules in the body, amino acids are constantly renewed. In the course of this turnover, they may undergo deamination, the removal of the amino group. Deamination, which takes place principally in the liver, results in the formation of ammonia. In the liver, the ammonia is quickly converted to urea, which is relatively nontoxic, and is then released into the bloodstream. In the blood, it is readily removed through the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Any disease or condition that reduces glomerular filtration or increases protein catabolism results in elevated BUN levels. Creatinine is another indicator of kidney function. Creatinine is a waste product derived from creatine. It is freely filtered by the glomerulus and blood levels are useful for estimating glomerular filtration rate. Muscle tissue contains phosphocreatinine which is converted to creatinine by a nonenzymatic process. This spontaneous degradation occurs at a rather consistent rate (Merck, 1991). Causes of increases of both BUN and creatinine can be divided into three major categoriesprerenal, renal, and postrenal. Prerenal causes include heart disease, hypoadrenocorticism and shock. Postrenal causes include urethral obstruction or lacerations of the ureter, bladder, or urethra. True renal disease from glomerular, tubular, or interstitial dysfunction raises BUN and creatinine levels when over 70% of the nephrons become nonfunctional (Sodikoff, 1995). Glucose is a primary energy source for living organisms. The glucose level in blood is normally controlled to within narrow limits. Inadequate or excessive amounts of glucose or the inability to metabolize glucose can affect nearly every system in the body. Low blood gl... ...ecomes less invasive to the patient. The more information that is made available to the doctor allows a faster diagnosis and recovery for the patient. Bibliography Barrie, Joan and Timothy D. G. Watson. â€Å"Hyperlipidemia.† Current Veterinary Therapy XII. Ed. John Bonagura. PhiladelphiaW. B. Saunders, 1995. Bistner, Stephen l. Kirk and Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and Emergency Treatment. PhiladelphiaW. B. Saunders, 1995. de Morais, HSA and William W. Muir. â€Å"Strong Ions and Acid-Base Disorders.† Current Veterinary Therapy XII. Ed. John Bonagura. PhiladelphiaW. B. Saunders, 1995. Fraser, Clarence M., ed. The Merck Veterinary Manual, Seventh Edition. Rahway, N. J.Merck & Co., 1991. Garrett, Reginald H. and Charles Grisham. Biochemistry. Fort WorthSaunders College Publishing, 1995. Lehninger, Albert, David Nelson and Michael Cox. Principles of Biochemistry. New YorkWorth Publishers, 1993. Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut. Animal PhysiologyAdaptation and environment. New YorkCambridge University Press, 1995. Sodikoff, Charles. Labratory Profiles of Small Animal Diseases. Santa BarbaraAmerican Veterinary Publications, 1995.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hu300 Unit 7 Views on Happiness

Views on Happiness Charlotte Briscoe HU 300 Kaplan University ? What Happiness means to others The first person I interviewed was a close friend of mine named Gabrielle Hine. She is twenty three years old and we went to high school together. We have been friends since we were both thirteen years old and actually she entered the school a few months before me. We tend to have very similar taste in everything from food down to music and clothes, it does tend to get quite freaky at times. The second person I interviewed was my neighbour Natalie Goodwin. She is a thirty three year old single mom with four kids.I have passed her a few times in the hall as we live on the same floor but she live in one direction and I the other. We mostly talk about our children or the loud noises on the street. Before asking to interview her I really did not know much about her or her background. Interview with Gabrielle Question: How would you define Happiness? Response: Happiness for me is getting time to spend with my close friends and family. The time when I am at my happiest is when I am back home spending quality time with my twin sisters. Living so far away I don’t get to be a big sister to them much so any time we do have is cherish able.Question: Has your definition of Happiness changed over time? Response: Yes my definition of Happiness has changed with my age. When I was a teenager my definition of happiness relied upon boys and make up. If a boy I fancied liked me back that made me one of the happiest teenagers around. Question: What experiences have influenced your definition? Response: I guess you could say time and age have influenced my definition. Not only these factors but the loss of a close family member has also made me realise that family and time spent with them really is important.Question: Do you expect your definition to change in the future? Response: Yes I can say that this definition will change when I have kids and when my children have their child ren. Question: What is your happiest memory to date? Response: That is a hard question but probably the day my twin sisters asked me advice about boys. This memory reminds me so much of when I was their age. It made me so happy to think they value my advice and opinions. (G. Hine, Personal Communication, October 7th 2012) Interview with Natalie Question: How would you define Happiness? Response: That is simple my children are my whole world.Everything they do brings happiness to me. Question: Has your definition of Happiness changed over time? Response: Yes with the birth of each of my children the happiness I experience grows more and more. Sure bad things have happened to me in the past but my children are my true reason for living and breathing each day. Question: What experiences have influenced your definition? Response: I would have to say the sole influence at this time is my children and I’m sure one day I will have grandchildren too. Question: Do you expect your defi nition to change in the future?Response: Yes I expect that it will change with time and with the birth of my grandchildren in the years to come. Question: What is your happiest memory to date? Response: My happiest memory to date was probably the birth of my oldest she is now 13 years old. She helped me in so many ways to become an adult and take responsibility for someone other than myself. I remember I was so scared to give birth but once she was brought to me and in my arms it’s like nothing I had ever experienced before. (N. Goodwin, Personal Communication, October 7th 2012) ? Understanding HappinessCharlotte Briscoe HU300 Kaplan University Happiness often means different things to different individuals and often individuals have different definitions of what happiness means to them. Some people define happiness as the pleasures we experience in our life this is what’s known as ‘Hedonism’. ‘Aristippus a Greek philosopher declared happiness to be the sum total of pleasures experienced during one’s life time’ (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). Whilst some people believe happiness is defined by pleasures of life others believe that it is the avoidance of pain otherwise known as ‘Epicureanism’.The two people I interviewed defined happiness as spending time with their loved ones. This could fall under the category of ‘Hedonism’ since both of them state that spending time with their family is what makes them happy thus it could be labelled as a source of pleasure in their life. Both Gabrielle and Natalie state their happiness has everything to do with their family. In the case of Gabrielle it is her twin sisters and close friends whom are the definition of happiness for her, however this will more than likely change when she has children. On the other hand for Natalie it is her children whom define her happiness.She equates her happiness to spending time with her kids and the everyday activities t hat are involved with parenting. Both of these ladies know that family is precious and even though we may not see them for a while certainly in the case of Gabrielle it makes the time she spends with them special. Appreciating and loving family makes so many things in this world worthwhile. To share a life with family should be counted as one of life’s great pleasures. While both ladies have similar ideals about what their definition of happiness is it could be said that both these views will more than likely change and adapt as time goes past. Aristotelianism is defined as happiness as the quality of a whole life time. ’ â€Å"Happiness is the purpose for which we live. Aristotle concluded that happiness is not a moment to moment experience of pleasurable things but rather a way of characterizing how one’s life is being conducted. Happiness is living and having lived a good life†. (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009) While it could be said this definition of happi ness does not fit with the majority of individuals ideals of happiness it is actually quite interesting.Most elderly people who are terminally ill or just dying of old age will often say â€Å"I am happy; I have lived a good life. † Therefore it could be said that ‘Aristotelianism’ is an accurate definition of happiness certainly for that generation. We define and decide what makes us happy, we have a choice and freedom to decide if something makes us happy or not. Although definitions for happiness changes from person to person and culture to culture the ideals will be similar.What I mean by this is that a person living in America has the right to decide what makes them happy the same as a person living in Nepal. Their definitions will be slightly different and one probably more complex than the other but there is freedom to choose what makes individuals happy. This freedom in its self may add to the individual’s definition of what makes them happy. ? Ref erences Janaro R. P. & Altshuler T. C. (2009). The Art of Being Human: The humanities as a technique for living (Kaplan University Custom 2nd Ed. ). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Additional Duties of Phlebotomist Essay

-Urine specimen obtained after a thorough cleansing of the glans penis (males) and the labia and urethral meatus (females). -Following the cleansing procedure, the patient passes the first portion of urine into the toilet, stops and collects the mid-portion in the specimen container. -This provides a sample that is less contaminated by epithelial cells and bacteria (normal flora). Methods of Urine Collection See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay CATHETERIZED SPECIMEN -Specimen of choice for patient suffering from urinary retention. (Patient cannot void voluntarily) -The specimen is collected under sterile conditions by passing the catheter through the urethra into the bladder. -The specimen is used for BACTERIAL CULTURE. -If routine urinalysis is requested, culture should be performed first to prevent contamination. SUPRAPUBIC ASPIRATION -Involves urine collection directly from the bladder by puncturing the abdominal wall and the bladder using a needle syringe. -Since the bladder is normally sterile, it is primarily used for bacterial cultures and for infants to whom contamination is unavoidable. -The only specimen acceptable for both aerobic and anaerobic urine culture. -Can be used for cytological analysis of urine Urine Culture -Samples collected by MSCC, Catheterized & Suprapubic aspiration can be used for AEROBIC CULTURE. -The only urine collection method acceptable for ANAEROBIC CULTURE is SUPRAPUBIC ASPIRATION. -COMMERCIALLY available plastic urine collection bags with hypoallergenic skin adhesive. -Also referred as wee bag. Uses chain of custody (COC) which refers to the process that provides documentation of proper sample identification from the time of collection to the receipt of laboratory results. The COC is a standardized form that must document and accompany every step of drug testing, from collector to courier to laboratory to medical review officer to employer. DRUG SPECIMEN COLLECTION -Required volume of urine 30-45 ml -The urine temperature must be taken within 4 minutes from the time of collection to confirm the specimen has not been adulterated. -The temperature should read within the range of 32.5C to 37.7C. -Recollection of a second specimen as soon as possible will be necessary in the following cases: Urine temperature outside the recommended range

Friday, August 16, 2019

Doubt: Catholic Church and Father Flynn

Decision making without concrete evidence can lead to faulty actions Leaders need to make decisions on the basis of substantiated evidence. Decisions made under other circumstances can cause the observer to doubt the legitimacy of the leader’s decision. In the play Doubt: A Parable, by John Patrick Shanley, Sister Aloysius’ mischievous mind is always looking for ways to over analyse the actions of Father Flynn. She is almost diabolical in her actions to have him removed from the school. Father Flynn, on the other hand, appears only interested in doing what is best for Donald Muller. Unfortunately, his well-intentioned actions make him vulnerable to the suspicious Sister Aloysius. Sister Aloysius’ certainty that innocent actions are harmful causes her to unfairly judge Father Flynn. Sister Aloysius unfairly judges Father Flynn's sermons and suspects his motives. At this point Sister Aloysius has only suspicions that Father Flynn could be in Doubt or knows someone that is. While speaking to Sister James, Sister Aloysius indicates her concerns about Father Flynn’s and indicates that by saying â€Å"Well, sermons come from somewhere, don't they? Is Father Flynn in Doubt, is he concerned that someone else is in Doubt? (Shanley 14). Sister Aloysius does not have any substantiated evidence of Father Flynn, as she only has her suspicions. One of her major character flaw is that she harbors a deep mistrust in her students, fellow sergman and society itself. So far, all she knew at that point was that Father Flynn grabbed a boy’s wrists, and that he was talking about Doubt in one of his sermons. Father Flynn said later on in the book that his sermons are not true stories because lies make for a better sermon. â€Å"I'm sorry, I'm not forthright, but I must be careful not to create something. I can only say I am confused, perhaps needless, about matters in St. Nicolas School,† Sister Aloysius remarks. (15) You can tell by this quote that she has some negative thoughts about the incident with Donald Muller, as she assumes that Father Flynn is having inappropriate behaviour toward Donald Muller. She is trying rephrasing it so it is less obvious of her concerns and assumptions. Sister Aloysius negatively judges Father Flynn's interest in promoting a closer relationship between the Church and the community because she feels it is an inappropriate way to interact with the students and community. But we’re not members of their family. We’re different†¦.. And they think were different. The working class people of this parish trust us to be different† (30) Sister Aloysius remarks. Sister Aloysius believes that because they are a Catholic school, they must stay true to their vows that the school believes in. She believes that the rules are in place f or a reason, and to be true to God, she must obey the oath that she took to become a Sister. Anything that challenges the operation of the school, and is out of line, she would not stand for. Therefore, she did not believe in the recommendation of changing the way things were already being run. The traditions of the Roman Catholic Church form the back bone of the rules and standards that Sister Aloysius is supporting. Father Flynn is a strong believer in the proposition that the Church should be more lenient and fun with the students, as it creates a better community of people. He makes a statement in the play that goes a little like this, â€Å"I think the message of the second Ecumenical Council was that the Church needs to take on a more familiar face. Reflect the local community. We should sing a song from the radio now and then. Take the kids out for ice cream. † (30) Father Flynn does not believe in following the rules of the Church to such a high extent that it is needed to emphasis every single rule. Unlike Sister Aloysius, he feels that having the school a more relaxed and fun environment results in creating a better learning strategy for the students. It also makes it a better environment for the teachers and student to be in because there is less stress. In result though, Sister Aloysius is against this proposition because she feels that she must abide by the rules and is more for the old school kind of method. Sister Aloysius unfairly doubts Father Flynn's explanation regarding the incident with Donald Muller because of her preconceived notions regarding his motives. â€Å"What happened in the rectory? † (32). Sister Aloysius questions. This quote states that she is clearly tired of dancing around the question, as at this point she has given up and just wants an explanation. She wants him to admit that he seduced the boy because she ‘knows’ that this is true due to her certainty. She does not believe his explanation that he was just talking to Donald in the rectory about keeping him on as an altar boy, even though he stole the wine. The needs for Father Flynn to tell her that she is right is important to her. This will put her at ease with the case and allow her to feel satisfied by her gain in authority and power. †There was alcohol on his breath when he returned from the meeting with you. † (33) Sister Aloysius remarks. She believes that Father Flynn is also guilty based on the fact that she assumes, he gave Donald Muller wine so he could seduce the boy. Believes that he did something to the boy, Sister Aloysius thinks that it is inappropriate and therefore, when he came back to class, he had his head on his desk and had alcohol on his breath. Sister James corroborates this remark by stating, â€Å"I did smell it on his breath† (33). This comment gives more certainty to Sister Aloysius and her beliefs. She does later on tell Sister Aloysius that she is going to bring Father Flynn down with or without Sister James’ help. This indicates how committed and certain she is to her stand on this critical issue. With the lack of supported evidence that Sister Aloysius has discovered concerning Father Flynn’s motives, it is unfair and unreasonable to be certain about her unquestionable justifications. She has closed her mind on all the other possibilities that could be, because of her singular mind set . If she doubts herself, she would feel unsteady and uncertain. Her hard-won knowledge would evaporate right before her and she would be vulnerable, a characteristic that she does not feel comfortable exploring†¦ just yet.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Challenges Facing The Cultural Diversity

These yearss cultural diverseness plays a important function in a company. The standards know aparting these groups include race, geographic footing, civilisation, gender, age, functional or educational background, physical and cognitive competency, linguistic communication, life styles, beliefs, cultural background, economic class, tenancy with the organisation and sexual penchant. As a MNC works in a planetary market it must be ready to observe all possible alterations in the planetary environment and it has to be able to pass on and accommodate the individuality of the company to them. For illustration in India adult females ‘s will non work for dark so they have to pull off clip for their convenience. The company ca n't offer quality merchandises or services to the clients if it does n't understand and take in history the impact that the civilization has in all the procedures. Workers normally think that their behaviour has n't got any influence on the concluding merchandise or service, but to be effectual, every portion must hold a clear vision of the company and a clear mission on it. The societal, political and enterprise construction depends on everyone in the company, so the internal country and the human resources, one of the most of import countries of a company, must be developed with the remainder of the company to accomplish their ends. The misinterpretation and ignoring of different civilizations, linguistic communication and historical background lead to catastrophes in the field of puting up transnational concern. To avoid this, a general cognition of another state ‘s civilization and history is indispensable. So general cultural cognition, if coupled with bias and prejudgement, is an obstruction to effectual planetary direction. 2.1 Communication and linguistic communication barriers One chief challenge under civilization is linguistic communication barriers. Communication is necessary for direction. Yet communicating relies upon a common linguistic communication, a status that does non be in many planetary concern state of affairss and that is when the jobs start. The most marked mark of the linguistic communication barrier at work can be found in the relationship between a transnational parent company and its web of planetary subordinates. Several factors contribute to the trouble of accomplishing and prolonging effectual communications and a productive, collaborative relationship. Even if an employee is comparatively competent in the linguistic communication of the other party, loss of rhetorical accomplishments is ever present as the usage of wit, symbolism, sensitiveness, dialogue, persuasion and motive requires a really high degree of eloquence. 2.2 Attitudes towards Appointments and Deadlines In America, Americans were give rigorous obeisance to clip committednesss and it was a basic rule of professionalism and polite behaviour. Because everything tends to be purely scheduled, delaies in one assignment or deadline can hold a serious rippling consequence on a coworker or client ‘s other work committednesss. But for illustration: The more flexible and open-ended attack to clip of Indian and Sri Lankan concerns civilization can make tensenesss and inauspicious feelings on American opposite numbers3. MNC Workforce DiversityMultinational Companies ( MNC ) had to confront a figure of new challenges in their day-to-day concern over the past twosome of old ages. Globalization changed assorted things for planetary participants. In general MNC construction shows a focal point on their chief resources and sections like finance, engineering, selling, gross revenues and production, because they want to hold a big figure of clients and to gain net income. A immense challenge MNC have to pull off is their workforce diverseness. The milepost research by Hofstede with 116,000 recruits of IBM, a elephantine MNC in 50 states and 3 parts recognized four cultural values in the workplace: Individualism-collectivism, Power difference, Uncertainty turning away and masculinity-femininity. For illustration: the United States was the greatest and Guatemala was lowest in individuality. Malaysia was the highest and Austria was the lowest in the power distance values. Greece was the highest and Singapore was the lowest in the uncertainness turning away values. Japan was the highest and Sweden was the lowest in the maleness values. There have been important sum of intercultural and cross-cultural surveies with these cultural values, and some surveies demonstrated the relationship between communicating manners with some of these values. Because of this diverseness one of the cardinal success factors of MNC is the enlisting and choice of human resources who offer valuable singularity. These persons are organizing the values and beliefs of a concern. There are two cardinal challenges within planetary HRM specifically constructing planetary corporate civilizations and developing planetary leaders that have to be mastered in order to pull off diverseness and be successful in the planetary concern milieus.Pull offing diverseness in MNC during HRMTo pull off workforce diverseness in MNC it ‘s a challenge for the human resource direction to put up a planetary corporate civilization. To acknowledge with the corporate civilization of the company is the most important thing for the work force. That is why constructing a planetary corporate civilization is one of the most of import challenges for Multinational Companies. Employee behaviour is perchance the most critical challenge that transnational organisations have to cover with. In Multinational Companies there is a immense potency of struggles, because of its diverse personalities. As a consequence of this anxiousnesss will originate among employees. Persons try to accommodate their behaviours to suit the demands of a peculiar environment. In order to accommodate to the environment, persons sacrifice their individualisms to suit in with their new co-ops. Persons become incorporated into the civilization of an organisation when they are successfully understood into the workplace. Successful cultural version reduces members ‘ anxiousness, function struggle, and purposes to go forth. Additionally, successful version increases organisational duty, occupation satisfaction, assurance, and occupation acquaintance every bit good as successful socialization and constitution of relationship.4. Challenges of Working across Culture4.1Stereotyping They are normally deceits and inaccuracies fixed in false conjectures and faulty analysis. Normally this rating is seen in a negative position. The challenges to organisations are to admit differences in positive footings. Power battles and can be the consequence of pigeonholing in organisations. For illustration, puting adult females, who stereotypically have had lower position than work forces in society ; in senior direction places create position incongruence in the heads of many of the people. This can root complexnesss in the leader/subordinate relationship and can root power differences in a concern. This is done in such a manner that affiliates of minority groups may happen it difficult to utilize influence over determination procedures in the organisation. 4.2 Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism consequences when directors identify the differences in civilizations – but have a leaning to believe that their civilization and their manner of making things is the right manner, their manner of making things is the lone manner and the best manner. Any difference from their civilization or from their manner of making things is seen as â€Å" deformation † or as a â€Å" error † or as â€Å" Incorrect manner † . Most people have the leaning to prosecute ethnocentrism. Americans, Nipponese, Chinese, Germans, Gallic, Scandinavians, and Russians are more prone to ethnocentrism than other civilizations – when compared to other Asians, Latin Americans, British, Australians, Africans and Indians. 4.3Informal Integration Informal groups play a important function in any concern. They influence both the success of the concern and the calling success of persons. Entire quality programs depend to a great extent on employee part and informal webs can greatly impact this procedure. Informal groups are influenced by factors such as common linguistic communication, perceived societal similarity, and ethnocentrism. These corporate webs are critical for communicating in organisations. It has been found that race has a major consequence on corporate networking. This is non amazing as you would anticipate people to hold a penchant for interaction with members of one ‘s ain civilization group, particularly in an informal context. 4.4 Parochial Attitude Parochial attitude refers to a individual ‘s incapableness to see cultural diverseness. This is precisely the contrary of ethnocentrism. Directors who are sent overseas often fitting people who are besides dressed in suits and talk their linguistic communication – this prompts them to ignore all other cultural differences and do them experience that all others are â€Å" merely like us † . In today ‘s concern Earth, most people are disposed to dress likewise – in suits or other expressions and speak in English, but this does non bespeak that all people have the same civilization – but people frequently merely see the surface and believe that the other individual portions the same cultural values. Directors from US/UK frequently tend to expose a strong parochial attitude – chiefly because the people with whom they relate on regular footing can talk English and are dressed likewise in suits or western frocks..