Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hepatitis C Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hepatitis C - Research Paper Example Transplantation of organs from infected people also spreads the hepatitis C virus. But in 1992 the health professional formulated a blood donation test which detects the presence of hepatitis C virus. After 1992 the blood of donor is tested for the hepatitis C virus before transfusion of blood or transplanting organs due to which the chance of transmission of hepatitis C virus is lowest nowadays. Hepatitis C virus is also transmitted by sexual contact with an infected partner or one having many sex partners. Transmission of virus also occurs from infected mother to baby during birth but the ratio of transmission by this way is low (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Anatomy: The liver is one of the main organs of digestive system which is reddish brown in color. Liver is the largest gland of the body which produces different hormones. Liver is divided into two lobes right and left lobe on the anterior and posterior surface. On the inferior surface the liver has two small lo bes quadrate lobe and caudate lobe between the right lobe and the left lobe. In between the caudate lobe and the quadrate lobe is porta hepatis which receives hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery proper and common bile duct. Liver receives blood by two blood vessels hepatic artery and portal vein. The parenchyma of liver is made up of epithelial cells called hepatocytes. Blood sinusoids are present in between hepatocytes which are known as hepatic sinusoids. Portal area is a space which contains three tubular structures collectively called portal triad. The portal triad contains a branch of portal vein, a branch of hepatic artery and bile duct. A delicate covering is present around the parenchyma of liver known as Glison’s capsule. The liver performs different metabolic functions. Liver helps in protein synthesis like albumin which helps in regulating osmotic pressure. Liver synthesize fibrinogen which helps in blood clotting. Liver produces globulin which helps in immunity. I n fat metabolism liver plays important role. It synthesizes cholesterol and also performs lipogenesis. On the other hand liver produces bile which is necessary for the emulsification of fat which is breakdown of fat so liver plays role in synthesis and breakdown of fat. Bile is then transported to gall bladder for storage. From gall bladder the bile goes to the duodenum for fat emulsification when fat reaches the duodenum for digestion. Liver also plays important role in carbohydrate metabolism as gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and glycogenesis occur in liver. Liver also stores the extra glucose in form of glycogen. Thrombopoietin is hormone which is also produced in liver. The function of thrombopoietin is the regulation of platelets production in bone marrow. The liver helps in the breakdown of different substance like insulin, hemoglobin, different drugs and ammonia etc. During the first three months of fetal life the liver produces red blood cells. Liver also plays role in bloo d pressure regulation because it produces angiotensin hormone (Robbins et al 2005). Abnormality: By attacking liver cells the hepatitis C virus make morphological changes in the tissues of liver. The hepatitis C virus starts necrosing the liver cells and causes the shrinkage of the liver. The liver becomes wrinkled and red in color. Cross sectional examination of the necrosed liver shows muddy red appearance and blotchy bile staining. There is complete destruction of

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